WAS web visitors?

Pierre Zagatti zagatti at versailles.inra.fr
Thu Oct 18 02:56:44 EDT 2001


We can try to identify some of your noctuids and pyralids,
from photos of mounted specimens naturlich.

Mike Soukup a écrit :
> ...
> As for the moths......
> Cocytius antaeus - 1 female (first one for me in this country)
> Errinyis ello - about 20 or so (most common moth I saw)
> Errinyis obscura - 1
> Madoryx pseudothereus - 2
> Enyo lugubris - 8
> Xylophanes pluto - 3
> Cautethia grotei - 2
> Automeris io - 1 REALLY small male.....almost doesn't look like an io
> at all.  Nor
>     does it really look like the other io's (lilith?) that I have
> caught previously.  I
>     didn't even think it was an io until I saw it's hind wing!
> Lymire edwardsii - 6
> Halysidota tesselaris (I think) - 5
> Melipotis sp. (I'll probably need help with this ID) - 1
> A very cool, sleek "underwing"-like noctuid that I have seen
> previously in Costa Rica....but don't know it's name. - 1
> A Megalopygidae that looks like Megalopyge opercularis...but a hair
> smaller (are there any others in Fla?? - not Lagoa crispata either)
> That's about it.  There were a few Pyralids and some smaller
> Noctuids....but I probably won't be able to ID them even after they
> are mounted!!!
> If anybody wants photos, let me know.  I have a new ISP (cable
> modem!!!) and I SHOULD be able to put stuff up on my web site - as
> soon as I figger out where it is and how to do it!!!  Oh yeah, I guess
> I need to mount them first..... (sigh)
> Thanks


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