DELETED web visitors?

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sat Oct 20 02:11:50 EDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Liz Day" <beebuzz at>

> It's my understanding (gained from a friend who is a reference librarian)
> that using non-relevant "silent" keywords in order to attract people to
> your site is considered annoying and bad form, because it clogs up a web
> search with all kinds of results that had little to do with what the
> searcher was looking for, thus draining search engines of much of their
> effectiveness.
> He says that this is frequently done, but strongly frowned on in the
> reference world.   Thus one could make an argument that "NABA" is not a
> good keyword unless the site is partially about NABA, or linked to
> NABA.   Things like "free sex", of course, are beyond the pale (unless,
> course, the site really is about free sex! :-).
> Regards,
> Liz

So be it.  We have removed  the naba key word from our main page.  Not only
do we not do unethical things we don't want to even be guilty of "bad form,
Smeed."  It is still a key word on the links page as that is where our link
to naba is. As I said before, this was a simply innocuous utilitarian move
on our part to simply bring TILS to the attention of anyone surfing the web
looking for butterfly stuff.  Liz said above "...because.. results that had
little to do with what the searcher was looking for..."  If one is looking
_for_ butterfly sites I would think any such site would be welcome.  This
is apparently not the case.  We can see where something other than
"butterfly" or "moth" could be considered shady etc. by some.  Thus, this
removal is a move of cooperation not capitulation.

So thanks Liz (truely) for informing us that that is considered bad form by
segments among web users.  Personally, we at TILS have no problem if any
butterfly web site uses TILS or tils-ttr etc. as a key word on their site -
our aim is to serve not sensor.  We think there are many wonderful web
sites all over the world and anything that will bring new sites to the
awareness of the masses is totally fine with us. This is also why we at
TILS have an all inclusive links page at our site uninfluenced by our
personal bents.

Ron G & Harry P


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