MR. Clench

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Oct 22 17:03:59 EDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenelm Philip" <fnkwp at>
Subject: MR. Clench

> > In age, Harry was younger then Ken and Chris and older than I
> The internet propagates misinformation at the speed of light. I
> have no idea how old Chris Durden is--but Harry Clench was about 5 years
> older than I was at the time he died.
> I am reminded of a remark attributed to Arni Magnusson (1663-1730)
> that I came across many years ago:
> "It is the way of the world that some people put errors into
> circulation while others try then to eradicate these same errors. This
> keeps everyone busy..."
> And we're still keeping busy.
> Ken Philip

Just goes to show what I don't know or missassociate.  Actually, it is a
sign of my own aging.  At some point it is common for older people to seem
to get stuck in a time warp.  My thought is,  No! Ken, you're kidding?  It
hasn't bee THAT long has it since Harry passed away!  Gosh am _I_ getting
_that_ old!!!
old man ron.


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