Eacles imperialis

William Oehlke oehlkew at islandtelecom.com
Wed Sep 5 05:06:57 EDT 2001

My father, Don Oehlke, in New Jersey is currently having great success with pupation of Eacles imperialis imperialis. Pics of and info about adults and larval stages are now posted at http://www.silkmoths.bizland.com/lepslseimpimp.htm
Included at the site is a picture of a gynandromorph imperialis taken in at one of our black lights in 1962. For pupation, he takes the mature larvae (reared in sleeves), which have left foliage, and places them indoors in covered buckets with several layers of paper towels on the bottom.  Once the larvae become cmpletely still, he moves them to small individual plastic chambers (no paper towels) in a fishing tackle box. Larvae usually pupate within a few days.
If this response has been helpful or if you have enjoyed the pictures and information on one of my websites, please go to
and click on the flashing butterfly. This helps to promote my sites.  

Bill Oehlke
Box 476, Montague, P.E.I., Canada C0A 1R0
oehlkew at islandtelecom.com
Phone: 902-838-3455
fax: 902-838-0866
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