Species definitions!

1_iron 1_iron at msn.com
Wed Sep 5 16:49:41 EDT 2001


I don't know where I got the notion (I was an econ major), but I have always
thought if two critters bred - and produced fertile offspring - they were of
the same species. Are you telling me this is simplistic?

Jim Taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Patrick Mullen" <spm23 at cornell.edu>
To: <Leps-L at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 9:16 AM
Subject: Species definitions!

> Sorry Jim!  There never has been and never will be a clear, simple,
> black-or-white, definition of species.  The concept of species is
> inherently subjective because the process that generate these
> fascinating units of taxonomy is exactly that, a process.
> I find it difficult to imagine a definition that would satisfy
> everyone.  Speciation occurs over long geographic time scales,
> sometimes relatively quickly and other times relatively slowly.  In
> either case, one population begins to diverge and is eventually
> recognized as two separate biological entities.  Much of the debate
> over species concepts is driven by differences in opinion about when
> the "recognition" should occur.  Is it enough to be able to
> distinguish among geographic variants of an organism?  Is the
> evolution of reproductive isolation a more appropriate landmark on
> the road to speciation?
> Even assuming that you can personally come to believe in one species
> concept over another, you'll still have to deal with other peoples
> differing opinions and other organisms steadfast refusal to be so
> classified by your scheme of choice:).
> I think that instead of feeling frustrated and discouraged by lack of
> agreement on what a "species" is, it would be a more rewarding
> experience to enjoy the truly marvelous diversity presented by life
> and appreciate the complexity of processes that generate such amazing
> variety.
> Just my two cents.
> -Sean
> --- begin forwarded text
> Status: U
> From: "1_iron" <1_iron at msn.com>
> To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>, "Leps-l"
<Leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
> Cc: "James Adams" <JADAMS at em.daltonstate.edu>
> Subject: Re: genera
> Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 05:47:55 -0400
> X-Priority: 3
> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Sep 2001 09:47:19.0804 (UTC)
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> Reply-To: 1_iron at msn.com
> Sender: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Listers:
> Haaalllpp!! Will someone please produce a simple, black-or-white,
> of "species?" Seems to me all else is as James states: artificial.
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