Polyphemus die off...

Bill Cornelius billcor at mail.mcn.org
Sat Sep 8 19:52:30 EDT 2001

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Nope, it's not normal (in a protected environment).

The food may be contaminated by pesticide, fungus, virus, parasites or
bacteria. If no other source is available or if you're feeling energetic and
compulsive: wash the food in Cold water with bleach & unscented detergent,
then rinse it 2 or 3 times. Then soak the plant in warm water with a capsule
of fishtank or poultry antibiotic / fungicide (areomycin or tetracyclene).
dry it with a towel.

The temp. or humidity may be to high or low. should be less than 100% between
75 and 90 deg.F. out of direct sunlight.

The cage should be ventilated, they gotta breathe.

The batch may be inbred. check the DNA of both parents.

Your neighbor may be irradiating your house with high levels of microwaves
&/or acid rock while you're out. Put a tape recorder & bag of popcorn next to
the cage when you go out, if the popcorn is puffed, install lead sheeting on
the wall nearest to the neighbor & don't let them see you eating the popcorn.
If the recorder catches any acid rock or polka, it's too late, their nervous
systems are already destroyed.

There are more causes of mortality but the odds of occurrence become


Discord wrote:

> It has been about two weeks since the original 46 caterpillars hatched.  I
> estimate I am down to a 1/4 of the original population.  Is this normal?
> Adrian Wright

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<p>Nope, it's not normal (in a protected environment).
<p>The food may be contaminated by pesticide, fungus, virus, parasites
or bacteria. If no other source is available or if you're feeling energetic
<u>and</u> compulsive: wash the food in <u>Cold</u> water with bleach &amp;
unscented detergent, then rinse it 2 or 3 times. Then soak the plant in
<u>warm</u> water with a capsule of fishtank or poultry antibiotic / fungicide
(areomycin or tetracyclene). dry it with a towel.
<p>The temp. or humidity may be to high or low. should be less than 100%
between 75 and 90 deg.F. out of direct sunlight.
<p>The cage should be ventilated, they gotta breathe.
<p>The batch may be inbred. check the DNA of both parents.
<p>Your neighbor may be irradiating your house with high levels of microwaves
&amp;/or acid rock while you're out. Put a tape recorder &amp; bag of popcorn
next to the cage when you go out, if the popcorn is puffed, install lead
sheeting on the wall nearest to the neighbor &amp; don't let them see you
eating the popcorn. If the recorder catches any acid rock or polka, it's
too late, their nervous systems are already destroyed.
<p>There are more causes of mortality but the odds of occurrence become
<p>Discord wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>It has been about two weeks since the original 46
caterpillars hatched.&nbsp; I
<br>estimate I am down to a 1/4 of the original population.&nbsp; Is this
<p>Adrian Wright</blockquote>



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