Polyphemus die off...

JJCardinal jjcardinal at aol.com
Sat Sep 8 20:39:45 EDT 2001

>Your neighbor may be irradiating your house with high levels of microwaves
>&/or acid rock while you're out. Put a tape recorder & bag of popcorn next to
>the cage when you go out, if the popcorn is puffed, install lead sheeting on
>the wall nearest to the neighbor & don't let them see you eating the popcorn.
>If the recorder catches any acid rock or polka, it's too late, their nervous
>systems are already destroyed.
>There are more causes of mortality but the odds of occurrence become
>Discord wrote:
>> It has been about two weeks since the original 46 caterpillars hatched.  I
>> estimate I am down to a 1/4 of the original population.  Is this normal?
>> Adrian Wright
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=x-user-defined
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Nope, it's not normal (in a protected environment).
>The food may be contaminated by pesticide, fungus, virus, parasitesor
>bacteria. If no other source is available or if you're feeling energeticand
>compulsive: wash the food in Cold water with bleach &unscented detergent,
>then rinse it 2 or 3 times. Then soak the plant inwarm water with a capsule
>of fishtank or poultry antibiotic / fungicide(areomycin or tetracyclene). dry
>it with a towel.
>The temp. or humidity may be to high or low. should be less than 100%between
>75 and 90 deg.F. out of direct sunlight.
>The cage should be ventilated, they gotta breathe.
>The batch may be inbred. check the DNA of both parents.
>Your neighbor may be irradiating your house with high levels of
>microwaves&/or acid rock while you're out. Put a tape recorder & bag of
>popcornnext to the cage when you go out, if the popcorn is puffed, install
>leadsheeting on the wall nearest to the neighbor & don't let them see
>youeating the popcorn. If the recorder catches any acid rock or polka,
>it'stoo late, their nervous systems are already destroyed.
>There are more causes of mortality but the odds of occurrence

I know the subject is serious, but this last paragraph gave me a good laugh!

Thanks, Bill

Louise Dawson


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