Hornets in my bait traps
Leptraps at aol.com
Leptraps at aol.com
Sun Sep 9 22:02:09 EDT 2001
Bait traps are much like light traps. What ever comes to the light or bait
gets in the traps. However, hornets have two motives for entering your trap.
The first, which is your problem, the hornets come to the bait in the trap.
Once in the trap, they become disoriented and cannot get out. The second,
they enter the trap in search of a meal, and for whatever reason, they follow
the same path out.
Sweet baits bring the hornets, less sugar will help. However, you need the
sugar to begin fermenting. Less sugar will reduce the numbers of hornets, it
reduces the effectiveness of the bait. Or, use some stale corn based beer.
(Old Milwaukee). And another trick worth a shot, un-sulfured molasses. This
one works for me.
If you are worried about getting stung. A little of YOUR urine in the bait
will reduce hornets, and some species of moths, especially Catocala's.
My formula for bait will bring some hornets and yellow jackets. As it ages,
the number of hornets will lessen.
This recipe will make enough bait for 6 flat bottom bait traps.
3 pounds of cheap apples.
3 pound of bananas
3 pounds of nectarines/peaches.
Cut apples and nectarines into 1 inch chunks, slice banana's and fill gallon
ziplock bags.
Add 1/2 cup of cane sugar.
Add 1/2 cup of water.
Mix contents (Shake the bag), and place in the sun. Once the bag swells up.
The bait is ready.
Let me know what happens.
The master baiter has spoken!
Leroy C. Koehn
202 Redding Road
Georgetown, Kentucky
USA 40324-2622
Tele.: 502-570-9123
Cell: 502-803-5422
E-mail: Leptraps at aol.com
"Let's get among them"
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