E. imperialis problems : viruses ? need help

J o n a t h a n S y l v e s t r e josylvestre at sympatico.ca
Sun Sep 16 08:52:32 EDT 2001

"J o n a t h a n S y l v e s t r e" <josylvestre at sympatico.ca> a écrit dans
le message news: Lcvo7.25619$Ye2.3284115 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> I have 20 to 30 3 or 4 instar caterpillar feeding on Pinus strobus. Today,
> saw that 4 of them look like they were killed by a Hemiptera. But this is
> not the case because I rear them inside. Is it possible that viruses
> them ?
> What should I do to save the others ?is it too late? :(

For those that interest, I've found something about those viruses



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