odd caterpillar..

bill and Dale droberts03 at snet.net
Sun Sep 23 20:26:31 EDT 2001

Hi Elisa,
   In Connecticut today I had the same cat or something very close.  Probably
the cat of the Banded Tussock Moth (Halysidota tessellaris) or a close relation.

                                                                Bill Yule

Elisa Collins wrote:

> wandering the forests of sortof western michigan, I found a caterpillar (on
> a sugar maple- which they will eat, on a red oak, on a black cherry, and on
> a pignut hickory) which was very fuzzy white with longer tufts of black
> "hair" at the head and foot ends.  I captured 3 and plan on raising two and
> preserving one as a larva, but i cannot figure out what they are.  If anyone
> has seen these and can tell me something about them i.e. native/exotic,
> length of life cycle, etc. it would be much appreciated.
> thanks, elisa collins
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