Citheronia regalis

Ernest Williams ewilliam at
Fri Sep 28 20:49:20 EDT 2001

Lep folks,

I received this request (with photos attached, which I'm not 
forwarding to the full leps list) from someone not in lep circles. 
Could someone please help her out?  To her email, not the whole list 
- unless you have something general to add.  Thanks.

Ernest Williams

At 1:27 PM -0400 9/28/01, Margaret_Carfioli at wrote:
>From: Margaret_Carfioli at
>Subject: Citheronia regalis
>To: ewilliam at
>Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 13:27:30 -0400
>Dear Dr. Williams,
>I am the biologist at Valley Forge National Historical Park, Valley Forge,
>PA.  I am writing to report that a single Hickory Horned Devil (Citheronia
>regalis) found on a trail in the park on 19 September 2001.  It was
>collected has progressed quite nicely.  It began pupating on 25 Sept.  I
>have attached some photos.
>I would like to report this find as at Valley Forge National Historical
>Park, PA.  It was found just west of Valley Creek, which is the common
>boundary of Chester and Montgomery Counties.  So, technically it was found
>in Chester County, PA.
>We currently have it housed in a terrarium in our Nature Center as an
>environmental educational display for complete metamorphosis.  I have
>downloaded The Lepidopterists' Society Statement on Collecting Lepidoptera
>and basic care instructions, but I would appreciate it if you could please
>refer me to additional rearing information or a specialist contact.
>Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
>Thank you.
>Margaret A. Carfioli
>Natural Resource Management
>Valley Forge National Historical Park
>P.O. Box 953
>Valley Forge, PA 19482-0953
>Tel  610-783-1041
>Fax  610-783-1088
>E-mail  Margaret_Carfioli at


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