caterpillar identifications

PuerNux at PuerNux at
Sat Apr 6 01:09:22 EST 2002

I am pretty sure that #12 (your "pinstripedcaterpillar.jpg") is Cucullia asteroides, probably found on asters. Saw one just like it last summer, so I hope others agree with my ID. (see for another picture)
The "BlackAndRedCostaRicanCaterpillar.jpg" (third to last) is some sort of Nymphalid, I think, but others would be able to help you more.

-Eric Hossler

>If anyone can identify any of the unidentified caterpillars on this
>page, then I'd be most grateful:
>And if you can correct any misidentified caterpillars, then I'd be
>somewhat less than most grateful, but grateful nonetheless.


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