Miami Blue Crew

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Sun Apr 7 08:58:20 EDT 2002

I apologize for cross-posting, but I wanted to give the TILS guys an 
extra hug.

I'm packed, I'm gone, it's been a wild ride, y'all can do it ... 

I'm hoping that Jose Muniz will pick up the slack and get this thing 
moving, with help from all of you. I'll help again; by May first I 
should be useful once more.

It looks as if Bob Parcelles has the legal part worked out. Time for 
everybody to hop on board and get going. Make sure you have your orders 
first; this is not a time for imaginative helpfulness. We have a plan 
and we follow orders. Nobody messes with Miami Blues without approval 
from the Science Gang, for instance. That would be John Calhoun.

Jan Everett has great plans for butterfly garden contests, a hearty 
development of the school butterfly garden program. That's wonderful 
and, if they pick it up in Miami/Dade, that will take care of our little 
blues. (That's if they follow out the plan as envisioned, of course, God 
willing and the crick don't rise.)
Thank you all for your patience, for dropping whatever you were doing 
because I had an idea, for explaining to me things that any 
five-year-old taxonomist would know.

Now ... the big push is for Earth Day.
We have a design that makes a great banner, as well as a tote bag or 
t-shirt. Go get it (send Miriam a dollar) and get one made, and wear it 
for Earth Day, or make your own Butterflies for Peace banner, but spread 
the word ... the butterflies carry a promise of peace and renewal in a 
world tired of war.
They also, many of them, bear messages from one group of scientists to 
another. So we'll all be out looking, the scientists and the poets, and 
as we make our world into a nicer place to be a butterfly in, I believe 
we'll find we like it better, too.
That's our page.
Meanwhile, I hope everybody who can is planting a garden for wildlife, 
and if it includes the Miami Blue's host plants, bless your heart.
Anne Kilmer
Butterfly Coalition
Miami Blue Crew
Task Force Director
Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project
Singing Off



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