Subject: RE: lepidopterists have anything to learn from ... birders ?

Patrick Foley patfoley at
Mon Apr 8 19:54:37 EDT 2002


Make sure you label your specimens accurately (locality, date etc. See Borror and
White's Peteron Field GUide to INsects or many another book). Then preserve your
specimens from damage. Then contribute them to an insect museum when you die or
before. Small local collections of no special interest to an insect museum may be
welcome in a school or other educational oraginzation.

Patrick Foley

Todd Redhead wrote:

> Barb Beck wrote:
> > I fully agree with the need to discourage trophy and unnecessary collection.
> > In the past there has been some terrible cases of trophy collection by
> > museums.  BUT there is a big difference between trophy collection and
> > scientific collection.  They must realize the validity of the latter.
> Hi Barb,
> Can a non-scientist have a scientific collection?  If so, in your opinion, what
> would be the requirements of such?  I am a non-scientist collector, and I have
> the idea in my mind that I will learn through my collection and that my
> collection has scientific value, if not today, maybe in the future.  What
> constitutes "unnecessary collection"?
> Todd
> P.S. I'm not trying to bait you here - I really do want to know your (and
> others) opinion.  BTW - I do appreciate what you've written regarding the
> parallels between leps and birds.
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