[leps-talk] Speyeria clemencei comstockii

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Wed Apr 10 06:58:21 EDT 2002

Barb Beck wrote:

> We need a comprehensive guide to the Speyeria either in book form if anybody
> out there is crazy enough to attempt it or on the web with good color
> adjusted of photos which show the full range of nasty variations in these
> guys.  Are there people in different parts of North America that have stuff
> from their own localities that they are willing to put up.
> Barb Beck
> Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Perhaps the web is the wave of the future.  It allows revision and comment for
all to see.
I am amazed at the organisms I can find illustrations of on the web----just by
going through google.

Unfortunately you have to know the name of the group to use this pathway.
The trick will be to key in a description (not a Description) of an unknown or
scan in an unknown and let the web key it out for you.
This has been accomplished for medical diagnosis, and I suppose its only a
matter of time before the economic entomologists figture out a way to do it for

Mike Gochfeld


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