Vanessa Butterfly Migration Project Update--First Red Admiral of 2002

Royce J Bitzer mariposa at
Wed Apr 10 22:00:38 EDT 2002

Leps-L Members,

This is an update to the Vanessa Butterfly Migration Project announced on 
March 29.

A map showing the first Red Admirals sighted in 2002 is now available 
through the link at

I have also added a map showing the first Red Admirals sighted in 2001:

Thank you for your interest in this project!

Royce J. Bitzer
mariposa at

Dept. of Entomology
113A Insectary
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa  50011
Phone: (515) 294-8663

The Red Admiral and Painted Lady Research Site
A web site to encourage and coordinate
field studies of territorial behavior
and migration of Vanessa butterflies                


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