Sugar Coated Body
hybrid9 at
Fri Apr 12 11:47:37 EDT 2002
On 12 Apr 2002 05:33:01 -0700, Leptraps at wrote:
>Well, here it goes!
>I have read this thread with some interest, covering the body with sugar
>solution to attract butterflies! Not a bad though for a guy like me, A
>However, I have sworn off the confrontational stuff the you know who!
>BUT, I had a girl friend when I was in college who tried something very
>similar, and it worked! She covered her body with whip cream and
The most common bait of them all...What kind of strawberries?
>The purpose you ask?
no, unless you have wings that is, which I doubt very much...
>So I, that's right, little old me, would be attracted to her and lick it all
>off!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Good.
Did you stand on one leg flapping your arms with a long straw glued to
your mouth trying to be as butterflye as possible while consuming your
sacred meal? There are easier ways to eat strawberry with whipped
cream you know...Using a spoon and a plate per.ex...
>And before we get excited,
So far you seem to be the exited one...
was a good looking young lass as I remember.
>The strawberry's weren't bad either.
Thats good, hard to get fresh and juicy strawberries nowadays...
>I got to get into the field today! I promised to check out the Celastrina
>species flying in Red River here in Kentucky!
>(Some Kentucky Humor)
>What are the last words a Red Neck utters be he dies?
>Golly Gee, watch what I can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to find her name in the phonebook....
>Leroy C. Koehn
>202 Redding Road
>Georgetown, Kentucky
>USA 40324-2622
>Tele.: 502-570-9123
>Cell: 502-803-5422
>E-mail: Leptraps at
>"Let's get among them"
>P/S. Please forgive this post, I just could not leave that thread alone!
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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