Butterfly-performance and recent threads

Nigel Venters nigelventers at ntlworld.com
Sat Apr 13 13:00:02 EDT 2002

Do people want to discuss butterflies or not?....or maybe just try and flame
each other... it seems to me that a number of you are so wrapped up in the
minutiae of everything you can't see the wood for the trees...your minds
work in a mysterious way...if you saw a dead ant on the carpet...in seconds
you would have it cordoned off...cones around it...tapes saying "Do not
cross this line"...flashing lights and a huge sign..."warning dead ant here"
when all that was needed was to pick it up and flick it into the trash bin!
So maybe I am also flaming...but very frustrated with current content!

----- Original Message -----
From: "RENE BOUTIN" <rboutin at sympatico.ca>
To: <neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk>
Cc: "P.s" <hybrid9 at yahoo.com>; <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: Butterfly-performance

> So Neil,
>             you don't know the difference between a hoax, a joke,a scam or
> performance
>                 well,I understand your thinking a little better now.
> Boutin
>                                                                    the
> Canadian
> Neil Jones wrote:
> > On Friday 12 April 2002 10:11 am, P.s wrote:
> > > On 11 Apr 2002 19:07:31 -0700, mbpi at juno.com wrote:
> > > >Oh come on... I'm going to be the first to expose "Petter" (alias
> > > >as a "prankster..."
> > >
> > > The only thing exposed here now is your own stupidity I am afraid.
> > > Seems to me your mind have been to long in its "cocoon"...what on
> > > pluto could the prank possibly be about?
> >
> > I think to be fair to Mary Beth, Petter, there are possibly a few things
> > of which you are unaware.
> >
> > Firstly you are posting to sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera (SBEL) It is a
> > rather unusual newsgroup in that it is "gated" to a list. That is to say
> > everything  sent to SBEL is sent to a mailing list called Leps-L
> > and everything on LEPS-L gets sent to SBEL. You may still be able to
> > some of the stuff I am referring to from your newserver.
> >
> > Secondly we have recently been plagued with hoaxes.
> > We had someone posting a diatribe attacking butterfly collectors.
> > This was signed with a name that used a reference to British
> > slang which the Americans didn't understand.
> > After a heated discussion I had to explain to everyone that they were
> > provoked by a joker.
> >
> > Then there was a woman asking for advice on childcare which was also a
> > hoax. We're pretty sure of that. Why "on pluto" we do not know!
> >
> > Then there was a Nigerian trying to get our bank account details to
> > everybody.
> >
> > It is also not unknown for us to have someone on the list who is clearly
> > showing some of the symptoms of a mental illness.
> >
> > So you can see people are very used to hoaxes and tend to believe that
> > anything strange is a hoax.
> >
> > Your being Norwegian may explain things. American and British people
> > have a different cultural attitude towards nudity. I am suffering myself
> > the moment because Americans have a different and much more
> > attitude towards religion than we British (and for that matter most
> > Europeans ) do.
> >
> > --
> > Neil Jones- Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk http://www.butterflyguy.com/
> > "At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
> > butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
> > National Nature Reserve
> >
> >
> >  ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >    For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
> >
> >    http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl
> >


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