Atrazine is not Roundup, but...

Mike Quinn Mike.Quinn at
Tue Apr 16 14:37:34 EDT 2002

Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States.

Under moist and warm conditions, the half-life of atrazine in topsoil is
about 60 days. In subsurface soils or in water, atrazine's half-life is
generally longer. The combination of widespread use and relative persistence
in the environment help account for its frequent detection in surface and
ground waters.


Trade and Other Names: Trade names include Aatrex, Aktikon, Alazine, Atred,
Atranex, Atrataf, Atratol, Azinotox, Crisazina, Farmco Atrazine, G-30027,
Gesaprim, Giffex 4L, Malermais, Primatol, Simazat, and Zeapos. 

Over 64 million acres of cropland were treated with atrazine in the U.S. in



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