Do Monarchs need Paul Cherubini?

RENE BOUTIN rboutin at
Sun Apr 21 11:45:52 EDT 2002

Neil Jones wrote:

> Rene, I am trying to put this to you as kindly as possible

      Take off your gloves,Neil.

> I really don't think you are very clever at this.

No,not clever Neil,honest.

> >
> Hundreds of people have received those little yellow cards.

How many exactly, Neil.....

> Honesty at last!

Thank you Neil.

> >                                                  René Boutin alias Monsieur
> > Papillon
> >
> > Ps:I do wish you would find a suitable place to regularly repose your Sweaty
> Bullocks.
> That is the point Patrick Foley is a very well known and respected scientist
> in his field. I, someone, living thousands of miles away, knew of his work
> _before_ I encountered him on the net. He is a very good scientist.
> Scientists by their very nature are people who search after the truth.
> They hate scammers and deceivers.
>  It has been shown time and time again that what ever  direct pecuniary
> advantage  Mr. Cherubini is obtaining that he is acting as a spinning
> lobbyist for a cause.  He is notorious for doing this.
> I was speaking to one British member of this list yesterday who was laughing
> at the ridiculousness of his claims.
> --
> Neil Jones- Neil at
> "At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
> butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
> National Nature Reserve
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