Do Monarchs need Paul Cherubini?

Neil Jones neil at
Sun Apr 21 17:36:04 EDT 2002

On Sunday 21 April 2002 06:55 pm, Stan Gorodenski wrote:
> I just checked sent mail and the infernal right carrot has appeared
> before the second paragraph, and so I know it did not come through in
> entirety. I will try again.

Is this a general problem. You seem to be using Netscape as a mail program.
I have seen several complaints. It doesn't seem to be Yale's listserver 
computer. I have had no trouble, but then the programs I have been using
as quite possibly unique for the members of this list.

> To continue the OT slightly more, the "I own the property" notion is
> incorrect. No one 'owns' real estate. Just stop paying property taxes
> and see how long you own it, or see how successful you are in stopping
> eminent domain proceedings, or attempt to exclude yourself from zoning
> ordinances. The reality is that we are 'renting', in a sense, property
> use during the short time we have on this earth. Therefore, society can
> collectively decide the ultimate fate of a tract of land. From my view
> there is a battle going on between those who appreciate the environment
> and would like to preserve as much of it as can be done, and those who
> want to exploit it irrespective of the cost to the environment. In my
> opinion, the former group has good arguments to support their case. The
> latter group bases some of their case on a false premise, i.e., that
> they 'own' property. Who will win? The one that has the greatest amount
> of power. Just look at what is happening in the world and you can see
> numerous cases of the slogan "Might makes right."
> Stan

Well put Stan
We call "eminent domain proceedings" a compulsory purchase order here.
I keep making this point .No government can operate on the basis that any 
one can do what they like with l;and they own.  Over here, and this may 
suprise some people in strict technical legal terms I understand all land 
belongs to the Crown anyway. It isn't really OTsince it is a central point to 
the conservation of lepidoptera.
Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve


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