Miami Blue Crew

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Mon Apr 29 23:00:20 EDT 2002

Reposted with typos gone. I do not want some idiot saying I cannot


Your efforts are part of MBBRP and will not be helping Dr. Glassberg.
Your work is pivotal and there is no merger with NABA, only an
alliance with Tropical Audubon and 2 other south Florida connections
to prevent duplication and getting in each other's way. Most of the
science is done. the restoration efforts have now shifted to you and
your people for the moment. The others come later.

We will pool science resources and other things but we were and are
and will remain the prominent national and international group as
befitting our size and representation.You and your associates are
playing a very important role in that. I do not break loyalties, nor
do I tolerate those who do. Anyone who can not live with that so be
it. We do not have time or patience for you. Many people on this list
(leps) are not on Nature Potpourri. 

Dr. Coffy, while I was in a swamp feeding mosquitoes looking for
bugs, after kissing politican arse today, made two posts to NP as
well as Ron Gatrelle. Our policies are not changed only we have
become less bloodthirsty (as the mosquitoes were ). I am not merging
with NABA but working with many members as we have been doing all

My friend Dr. Robert Kelley was quite a sincere and good gentleman to
make the post he did considering, the thinly veiled flames going his
way. I admire that .

It would be admirable  and appreciative , and if this garbage
continues...required, that a public apology from DR. Glassberg be
And one from Alana to Anne .

Alas, I have asthma and holding my breath is difficult.

Yours truly,

Bob Parcelles, Jr.
The Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project, Project Manager (C2M)
and Director (TILLS).

PS: Howard Wolf one of the leading NABA Presidents and the Programs
Director of Clean Millennium Movement's Institute of Ecological amd
Environmental Studies has been serving on the Steering and Oversight
Committee, NBBRP as one of  its 3 Vice-Chairs, Support and Liaison .
He is being replaced. My reasons are that he has received threatening
communications from NABA warning him to not be involved in this
project. We have been offered legal remedies which still stand.
However, Howard is too important to the Nature Coast and the
butterflys that live there. His chapter was visited by me on Sunday
and they support our efforts and are serving. But Howard will now be
helping Steve Komlos set up about 6 research projects in concert
with USF, Smithsonian Insitution and Pinellas County Government. We
will keep this valued member of OUR team busy, don't worry. Jeff
please get a life and call off your dogs. Mine bite!

I hope all who want to be included ask for Anne's and my selection
onto the list serve for internal activity. See Anne's early post. 

I grow weary of this crap and will lose my temper very soon.

Bob Kelly, I am sorry this seems to not rest. Perhaps I will take
Joe's council and counsel. Ralph maybe you can call me also tonight!



Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Pinellas Park, FL
Ecologist, RJP Associates
Reply To: parcbob at
Phone: (727) 548-9775
Fax: (720) 441-3682
Nature Potpourri
Care2's Race for the Rainforest

Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at
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