Help with anise swallowtail pupa stage, please
Chuck Vaughn
aa6g at
Sat Aug 10 10:19:39 EDT 2002
It's getting late enough in the year now that it may overwinter. If
it doesn't eclose in a couple of weeks then you'll have to wait until
next spring. It could anywhere from March until June. I've even had
a few go two years.
Also, in regards to Xi's comments, you'll be able to see the wings
through the chrysalis if it's light green or light brown colored.
If it is the dark weathered wood colored one, you probably will not be
able to see the wings. Those have surprised me a couple of times even
under careful watch. :-)
Chuck <aa6g at>
> Dixie,
> In my experience with Black Swallowtails (Papilio polyxenes asterius),
> eclosion
> usually takes place after roughly 15 days, but this may vary depending on
> temperature. Before it emerges, you will actually be able to see the
> butterfly
> within the chrysalis. You should be able to make out the wing outline, as
> well
> as pattern, and other basic anatomical features such as the abdomen, head,
> antennae..etc. At the point, eclosion within the next 24 hrs is pretty much
> guaranteed. If you observe the chyrsalis continually, you will actually be
> able
> to see the wings and abdomen detach from the inside of the chrysalis over
> time,
> eclosion usually follows with in a matter of hours.
> Peace,
> Xi Wang
> Rusty6356 wrote:
>> Could someone tell me about how long an anise swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon)
>> will remain in its chrysalis? And/or how to tell when it's about to emerge?
>> This is my first try at raising a butterfly and has been fairly successful so
>> far, although the caterpillar turned out to be something of an escape artist
>> and had to be rescued from the dish drainer--
>> It started making its chrysalis yesterday, Aug. 8, at the top of a shaded
>> kitchen window, behind a set of mini-blinds, and I want to make sure the
>> butterfly doesn't get trapped in there when it emerges.
>> Thanks,
>> Dixie Jordan
>> Oakland, CA
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