Big Oil, Chemical & Farm Machinery companies providesuperb Monarch Butterfly Breeding Habitat

Dale Roberts/Bill Yule droberts03 at SNET.Net
Mon Aug 12 13:01:10 EDT 2002

OK Paul I'll rise to your bait.
   So if I understand your main point Monarchs are butterflies that have
adapted to a hostplant that has adapted to open disturbed soil.  And from
this point, if I understand the implicit suggestion written between the
lines of your post, I'm supposed to jump up and cheer for the chemical
laden, single crop, Government-sponsored corporate welfare, big machinery
dependent agri-business of growing corn to feed cows and soybeans to feed to
pigs for the government welfare beef/pork  industries?  And I should be
happy we have lots of Monarchs even though the corporate welfare
argribusinesses have displaced thousands (yes, 1000's) of small,
diversified, independent farms that supported an incredible lepidopteran
biodiversity of probably 50 to a 100 different species each?  I think not.

                                        Bill Yule
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Dana" <robert.dana at>
To: <leps-l at>
Cc: <TILS-leps-talk at>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: Big Oil, Chemical & Farm Machinery companies providesuperb
Monarch Butterfly Breeding Habitat

> Well, as has been said before, every cloud has a silver lining.
> But wait . . . these Iowa State entomologists--have they published
> anything on this? What methodology did they use to determine the
> relative production of crop fields vs., say, road margins, pastures,
> etc? Before I become too enthusiasitic about industrial agriculture, I
> guess I should check these details out.
> Oh, and Colias philodice and eurytheme are flourishing in MN alfalfa
> fields.
> Robert Dana
> >>> Paul Cherubini <monarch at> 8/11/02 4:56:41 PM >>>
> The most concentrated summer monarch breeding populations
> in the world exist in the upper midwestern USA.  In particular,
> Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, have a great abundance of
> monarchs in the summer.
> Just where do these monarchs breed?  According to Iowa State
> entomologists It turns out most of them breed on milkweed plants
> growing WITHIN the canopy of crop monocultures such as corn and
> soybeans  I got to see this first hand during a visit to the area of
> Morris, Minnesota on July 28 - Aug. 1
> As you view the following pictures, bear in mind:
> a)  Monsanto and Dupont provided the crop seeds and herbicides
> that help the crop to flourish
> b) John Deere tractors provided the machinery to prepare the soil and
> harvest the crops
> c) Big oil companies provided the gasoline and oil run the tractors
> and
> harvesters.
> d) Chemical companies provided the nitrogen fertilizer required to
> help the crops flourish.
> If you're wondering just what makes these crop monocultures
> such great monarch breeding habitat well its because:
> 1. A reduced abundance and diversity of monarch egg and
> caterpillar parasites and predators exists WITHIN the monoculture
> crop canopy.
> 2. The rich, fertile, well aerated soil and crop irrigation water
> promotes the survival and growth of milkweed seedlings. Tender
> and well watered milkweed seedlings promote the production of big,
> vigorous monarch caterpillars and butterflies.
> 3.  Red Clover and Alfalfa crops (livestock feed) commonly planted
> in the same region or on the borders of the crops provide a rich,
> abundant nectar source for monarch and other butterflies.
> Paul Cherubini
> Placerville, Calif.
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