Butterfly Explosion!
mbpi at juno.com
mbpi at juno.com
Thu Aug 15 21:11:32 EDT 2002
Greetings, all!
Today was rife with butterflies on the Chicago Museum Campus...despite
the continuing construction mayhem.
Peck's Skippers, Black Swallowtails, and others...and a proliferation of
Hackberry butterflies...which I've never seen on the campus before this
year! There is a row of Hackberry trees alongside the harbor roadway,
where the majority of butterflies were hanging out...and attacking
passersby. I also saw what looked like Hairstreaks in a picnic grove,
but couldn't pin any of them down as I was in a hurry (and so were
I was on my way to my car to leave the campus for a meeting, so I wasn't
able to spend a great deal of time searching the trees for other
Hackberry species, but I hope to check out the area again tomorrow when I
have more time... It seems the long-awaited rain we finally got was a
major eclosing trigger.
Maybe I'll find a Snout!!!
All in all, it was quite a pleasant surprise to see so many butterfly
species in my limited daily preambles.
M.B. Prondzinski
Chicago, IL
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