Rocky Mountain High - The End (plus list)

Mark Walker MWalker at
Sun Aug 18 17:51:43 EDT 2002


Here are the Sphingid and Saturniid species we enjoyed (and Bill recorded):


Automeris cecrops pamina
Automeris iris hesselorum
Eacles oslari--(Western Imperial)
Citheronia splendons-(Mexican Walnut moth)
Sphingicampa hubbardi
Anisota oslari
Sphingicampa montana
Rothschildia cincta

S. chersis
H. lineata
X. falco
M. florestan
E. achemon
S. dollii
C. sonorensis
M. rustica
S. smithi
M. sexta
M. quinquemaculata
E. satellitia--THE HOT ONE!
E. typhon
E. ello
P. occidentalis
M. muscosa
E. obscura
AND, 7 Black Witches


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