Orange Phoebis in Virginia

Dr. James Adams jadams at
Thu Aug 29 11:09:49 EDT 2002

Mark Walker wrote, in response to Rob Hilton:

>My vote is Pheobis agarithe.  It sounds like one from your description, and
>it doesn't seem to me to be a huge stretch that P. agarithe might
>occasionally move that far up the eastern seaboard from Florida.

I agree that it is likely P. agarithe.  Surprisingly, however, P. agarithe 
in Florida appears to be very, very sedentary with records for even N. 
Florida being scarce.  P. agarithe in Texas, however, is a well known 
wanderer.  I have records for the Kansas City,  MO and Lawrence, KS area 
(several) and I know it gets farther north sometimes in the fall.  I have a 
tendency to attribute northern strays, even in the east, to the Texas 
populations and not the Floridian, though this is *pure conjecture* on my 
part.  There are *very subtle* differences in maculation between Texan and 
Floridian specimens, though they are not always consistent, so if you ever 
net an agarithe in the east you *might* be able to determine its point of 

         P. sennae is certainly having another great year.  Hoardes of them 
are flying around N. GA as I write this message.


James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX:  (706)272-2235
Visit the Georgia Lepidoptera Website:
Also check out the Southern Lepidopterists' Society new Website:
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