Sedentary habit of S. FL. lep populations - surprising?

Hilton, Rob rhilton at
Fri Aug 30 07:46:21 EDT 2002

Actually many island birds loose their ability to fly!  They all have wings (however vestigial).  

Rob Hilton

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Quinn [mailto:Mike.Quinn at]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 5:14 PM
Subject: RE: Sedentary habit of S. FL. lep populations - surprising?

James, I don't think it's surprising at all that the P. agarithe population
in south Florida would be sedentary. Basically, if you were surrounded on
three side by near certain death (the Atlantic Ocean) you'd be sedentary

Over time, many island dwelling birds lose their wings. 

Similarly, I believe that I read that a new insect (naturally) introduced to
a Hawaiian Island is (far?) more likely to come from either Asia or North
America, both over 3,000 miles distant, than from any of the other Hawaiian
Islands that might be just a few hundred miles distant. Mike Quinn

Texas Entomology   

Subject: RE: Orange Phoebis in Virginia
From: "Dr. James Adams" <jadams at>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:09:49 -0400


I agree that it is likely P. agarithe.  Surprisingly, however, P. agarithe 
in Florida appears to be very, very sedentary with records for even N. 
Florida being scarce.  P. agarithe in Texas, however, is a well known 
wanderer.  I have records for the Kansas City,  MO and Lawrence, KS area 
(several) and I know it gets farther north sometimes in the fall.  I have a 
tendency to attribute northern strays, even in the east, to the Texas 
populations and not the Floridian, though this is *pure conjecture* on my 
part.  <snip>

James K. Adams


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