
Dr. James Adams jadams at
Fri Aug 30 11:58:07 EDT 2002

Ron wrote:

>Charleston is the type locality of P. sennae eubule.  It took many years to
>convince me that it is resident here all year.  Now there is no doubt.
>The first Cloudless I encountered in western NC mountains this year was in
>April.  Not only does it head north real early but adults are capable of
>enduring extended freezing temps.

It certainly is.  I have seen P. sennae here in NW Georgia well into 
December most years.  I don't think it makes it through the winter here, 
but it does not far south of here.  I, too, see it early in the year 
(April, May) every year.


James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX:  (706)272-2235
Visit the Georgia Lepidoptera Website:
Also check out the Southern Lepidopterists' Society new Website:
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