lep tool, request for stocking stuffers list

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu
Fri Dec 6 11:08:49 EST 2002


Thanks for this great tip.  I got fine, and just about already paid for
it by fishing up the huge pile of hidden insect pins I found under my desk.

This also lead to the following idea:  How about the group posting
suggestions for such similar Lep "stocking-stuffers" -- items under $30 that are
very helpful.

Let me start (this is rather specific for moth collectors)

Plastic squeeze bottles, such as the 2-8 oz. size  a camping store would
sell for your liquid camp soaps.  I use these to keep ethyl acetate, and
it making recharging my killing jars a breeze.

Likewise, I use a Honda E-1000 generation for my lights, and these
generators are very sensitive to the oil level, shutting off if the oil drops
even a minor amount.  I keep a squeeze bottle full of oil, making ti very
easy to top things off.

Those are my suggestions.  Perhaps I'll post more, but I certainly want
to here from others!

Likewise, I'm alway looking for new material to add to my
Moth Collecting and Curation Techniques  website, 




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