A new lep web resource

John Snyder john.snyder at furman.edu
Fri Dec 6 16:31:28 EST 2002

Please check out this new web resource:  go to

Professor Jeremy Tatum, a dedicated raiser and observer of lepidoptera
near his home in Vancouver B.C. has been photographing the entire life
cycles of many butterflies and moths.  He has also produced delightful
prose to describe what he photographs.

He sent all of this material to me and I have compiled it into a book-like
web site entitled "Butterflies and Moths of Southern Vancouver Island." 
The photos are excellent and highly detailed.  The prose provides insights
to the habits of  the species.  There are 191 species shown in a total of
over 500 photos.  A complete table of contents and separate indexes for
animals and host plants are provided, with hyperlinks to the appropriate
pages.  Many of the photographs, especially those of eggs, larvae, and
pupae, are not duplicates of anything else on the Web.

Jeremy and I hope that you will enjoy and learn much from this effort.

John Snyder
Dept. of Biology
Furman University
Greenville, SC USA


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