TTR order form

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Thu Dec 12 18:25:22 EST 2002

We finally got the Taxonomic Report on line order forms adjusted and
updated.  We had planned on having Vol. 1 only
available in CD but have kept the paper versions available for now.

Vol. 3:9, which comes out Saturday, has some great shots of habitats in
Pakistan.  There are not a lot of the taxa from the survey area figured,
but the Parnassius charltonius are striking critters.  But the best is yet
to come for those who are subscribed to TTR.  When the subscribers get this
volume on CD they will be blown away at the detail on the many photos in
various issues.   Take this P. charltonius as an example.  In the paper
issue a specimen occupies a mere 3in. X 1 3/4in space.  These same photos
in the CD copy can be zoomed in on so that just one wing occupies the
entire computer screen!!   One can see every scale!

I don't know how many other Leps publications come on CD to subscribers,
but this media is the thing of the future as it is without equal in
presentation of photographed material.

Ron Gatrelle
TILS president
Charleston, SC - USA


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