Miami Blue press release

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Fri Dec 13 18:19:14 EST 2002

Is the below a factual statement? From what I have read on this list (Leps-L),
my impression (which may not be correct) is that his involvement was
marginal(?). Also, I seem to recall that some felt getting the species listed
would actually hinder efforts to save it? The article gives the impression
that the only part MBBRP played was to alert governmental organizations, and
Glassberg, about its rarity. Is this correct?

What is the proper interpretation of this article - good news or bad? I
probably should not even have responded since I have no interest in the Miami
Blue problem, but the article seems to not paint a proper picture of
everything, including the significant part MBBRP has played (if my impression
is correct), which is a little disturbing to me, but I may be all wrong..

Anne Kilmer wrote:

> "... and without Jeffrey Glassberg petitioning its
> emergency listing by USFWS, the butterfly's last significant colony
> would have very likely winked out of existence with no notice, and the
> earth would be a little poorer in biodiversity and other values that we
> all treasure."


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