Karner Blue Re-introduction Home Page

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Tue Dec 17 17:41:04 EST 2002

John Shuey wrote:

> Hey all,
> We just got our pages up documenting the re-introduction of Karner Blues 
> in Indiana. Paul Labus led the team that did the actual work, and Paul 
> and  Barb Labus built the web pages.  Take a look if you are interested.
> http://nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/indiana/preserves/art9126.html
> _________________
> John Shuey
> Director of Conservation Science
> Indiana Office of The Nature Conservancy

Dave, Jaret, Neil, can we generate something like that?

We also need an interactive map for sightings, statewide, and for releases.
Anne Kilmer


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