Mid Eastern Butterflies CD in the works!

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Sat Dec 28 18:36:22 EST 2002

wow. it looks wonderful on Netscape Sony laptop.

In July of 2002 we found record numbers of pipevines (around 800 of
them) at the Peaks of Otter in Bedford County, Virginia.

would pipevine in this context be upper case? And I like the parens.
Sorry; once a proofreader, always a proofreader.

Randy Emmitt wrote:

> Folks,
> I have started working on a CD that will  be a photo guide to the 
> butterflies of North Carolina, South Carolina,Virginia and West Virginia 
> it should have live photos for around 140+ species and be of higher 
> resolution with bigger and better photos than my Butterflies of NC 
> pages. It will also have a butterfly screensaver in it as well. I hope 
> to sell it online as well as in stores and gift shops.
> Anyway I ask for your help on input for the design and layout. I plan on 
> making it in HTML format to be read with common web browsers like 
> Internet Explorer and Netscape. Given macs won't run typical 
> screensavers I plan on having a browser based slideshow as well for 
> macs. Please let me know how this page looks 
> http://www.rlephoto.com/easternbutterflies/swallowtails/swallowtail_pv01.html 
> (note its high resolution and not fast loading as it will be on CD) I 
> need to know if it runs ok on pc and mac in both Internet Explorer and 
> Netscape. Its designed to see read at 800 x 600 screen resolution.
> Thanks for your help and input! Sorry for the cross posting!
> Randy Emmitt
> Durham, NC
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