target niche (was: Re: "natural" photos?)

1_iron 1_iron at
Sun Feb 3 12:31:32 EST 2002


Ron may be a little extreme here, but he is right - as, I suspect - is Mike.
I never had a biology course in my life; my degrees are in (I shudder to
admit) accounting and economics. I served as president of the Ky Leps for
two years, and I can vouch for the fact that most of the membership is in my
category - degree-less where bugs are concerned.

On the other hand, I think that while the big LEPSOC has a large number of
amateurs, most of the folks sporting degrees in the subject are members. And
I think this is what Mike meant.

Jim Taylor

PS: I may be the only romantic accountant you'll ever encounter.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at>
To: "Leps-L" <LEPS-L at>; <rbenavid at>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: target niche (was: Re: "natural" photos?)

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Quinn" <ento at>
> Subject: Re: target niche (was: Re: "natural" photos?)
> > Hi Rudy, Actually the Lep Soc is the organization with the niche target
> > audience, scientists. Certainly that's who the Journal of the Lep Soc
> caters
> > to. NABA, on the other hand, is going after every man, woman and child
> > North America. Mike Quinn
> >
> This is utterly untrue.  Totally false.  Blatantly in error.  The
> Lepidopterists' Society has always been (and IS) the most wide open
> cosmopolitan organization available to those interested in  butterflies
> moths in North America and the world.  The vast (the word here is vast)
> majority of its membership are totally non scientist, amateurs, and
> avocational lepidopterists - and engaged in every leps activity
> There should be a flood of about 200 posts on this list serve to second
> what I have just said.  Especially from people on this list serve who are
> in Lep. Soc. leadership - like Don Lafontaine, Larry Gall, and on down the
> line.  If the current leadership of Lep. Soc. are so politically spineless
> that they would let such a false picture of  _ our_ organization go
> unchallenged and not strongly corrected - then _we_ the members have voted
> for the wrong people!  This is outrageous.
> Compared to the Lepidopterists' Society, NABA is a closed club for only
> right "kind" of people.  Yes, the Lep. Soc. Journal has always been a
> science lbased publication - and it has gotten too dry in recent years.  I
> will be the first to say that.  But the Lepidopterists Society is so much
> more than that single publication.  The News is fun, entertaining, average
> person stuff.   Part of the problem is that the new generation of lepsters
> have been fed such intellectual oatmeal for the last 10 years that even
> simplest of things (like knowing a scientific name or two) are now
> considered way beyond their scope.  There is a reason many of us use the
> term "dumbed down" relative to today's lowering of the bar.
> There was a time, and not that long ago, when all the ammeters _knew_ what
> was being talked about in the Journal articles.  That was largely because
> the popular Field Guides and books of the 50's, 60's and early 70's
> actually provided the new comer with some information about what the heck
> was going on.  They let us know from the beginning there were such things
> as speciation, population dynamics, biogeographical evolution and much
> more -  and how it worked and why it was all important.
> Further to falsely represent the Lep. Soc as targeting or catering to
> scientists also slams all the regional societies that are about the same
> things.  Southern Lepidopterists Society, Ohio, Utah, Kentucky - all of
> them.  Now will any one in these societies stand up?  Tomorrow Mike
> computer should be bogged down and in need of a reboot due to hundreds of
> irate emails from all the lepidopterists in this world.
> Ron Gatrelle
> No college edu. butterfly amateur.
> and very proud 35 year member of The Lepidopterists' Society
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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