help finding some western butterflies

JerryMcW at JerryMcW at
Sun Feb 3 18:00:53 EST 2002

Hi all,

I am planning a car trip to the west this summer from late June to late July 
in search of some butterflies that I have not seen and would like to 
photograph.  I will be in northwestern Wyoming (the Tetons) the last few days 
of June, northern California from about July 2 to July 18, and then in 
Colorado (Guanella Pass area) July 21 and 22.  In California I will be 
searching primarily for west coast endemics from Crescent City south to the 
Santa Lucia Range and east to Yosemite.   If there is anyone out there that 
might be able to give me some tips on where I might find them and their 
flight period it would save me some time searching blindly in unfamiliar 
territory.  Below is a list of my target species.  Any help would be greatly 
appreciated.  Please e-mail me privately.  Thank you.

Papilio indra (Indra Swallowtail)
Euchloe hyantes (Pearly Marble)
Anthocharis lanceolata (Gray Marble)
Colias occidentalis (Western Sulphur)
Colias behrii (Sierra Sulphur)
Lycaena xanthoides (Great Copper)
Lycaena gorgon (Gorgon Copper)
Lycaena nivalis (Lilac-bordered Copper)
Habrodais grunus (Golden Hairstreak)
Satyrium fulginosum (Sooty Hairstreak)
Satyrium californica (California Hairstreak)
Satyrium saepium (Hedgerow Hairstreak)
Satyrium auretorum (Gold-hunter's Hairstreak)
Satyrium tetra (Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak)
Callophrys sheridanii (Sheridan's Hairstreak)
Callophrys (Mitoura) spinetorum (Thicket Hairstreak)
Callophrys (Mitoura) johnsoni (Johnson's Hairstreak)
Euphilotes battoides (Square-spotted Blue)
Glaucopsyche piasus (Arrowhead Blue)
Agriades cassiope (Heather Blue)
Plebejus shasta (Shasta Blue)
Speyeria adiaste (Unsilvered Fritillary)
Chlosyne whitneyi (Rockslide Checkerspot)
Chlosyne palla (Northern Checkerspot)
Chlosyne hoffmanni (Hoffmann's Checkerspot)
Euphydryas gillettii (Gillette's Checkerspot) in Wyoming
Phyciodes orseis (California Crescent)
Cercyonis sthenele (Great Basin Wood-Nymph)
Coenonympha haydenii (Hayden's Ringlet) in Wyoming
Erebia magdalena (Magdalena Alpine) in Colorado
Oeneis polyxenes (Polyxenes Arctic) in Colorado
Oeneis uhleri (Uhler's Arctic) in Wyoming
Oeneis jutta (Jutta Arctic) in Wyoming or Colorado
Thorybes diversus (Western Cloudywing)
Thorybes mexicana (Mexican Cloudywing)
Erynnis pacuvius (Pacuvius Duskywing)
Pyrgus ruralis (Two-banded Checkered-Skipper)
Oarisma garita (Garita Skipperling) in Wyoming or Colorado
Hesperia miriamae (Sierra Skipper)
Hesperia nevada (Nevada Skipper) California, Wyoming, or Colorado
Polites sonora (Sonoran Skipper) California, Wyoming, or Colorado
Polites sabuleti (Sandhill Skipper) California, Wyoming, or Colorado
Polites mardon (Mardon Skipper)
Ochlodes agricola (Rural Skipper)

Jerry McWilliams
Erie, Pennsylvania


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