Glassberg's public statement on collecting.

Heath, Fred Fred.Heath at
Tue Feb 5 14:22:08 EST 2002

Dear Alex,
	I have to tell you that Jeff and NABA have a lot better ways to
spend their time and energy than in some secret conspiracy. Again when Jeff
is for banning something, he comes right out and says it, as he did with
butterfly releases.
---Best regards, Fred

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Grkovich, Alex [SMTP:agrkovich at]
	Sent:	Tuesday, February 05, 2002 10:23 AM
	To:	'Neil at NWJONES.DEMON.CO.UK'; leps-l at
	Subject:	RE: Glassberg's public statement on collecting.

	I think you're wroing. I think there's plenty of evidence of it. And
look at
	the three books: The anti-collector tone is worse and worse, and
more and
	mroe offensive, from the first toward the last. The first book
really didn't
	particularly offend me, at least not as far as the author's writings
	concerned. (What was written by the two scientists that did the
	Introductions, that's another matter. These writings were extremely
	offensive, at least to me. I STILL am waiting for someone to explain
to me
	what it is that an ant scientist, for example, has to say about
	butterflies and about the study of Lepidoptera. But what the heck,
	bird-watchers, gardeners, photographers, plant conservationists,
	bored and/or lonely soccer moms, everyone's got something to say
about the
	subject, don't they? And somehow they're ALL opposed to butterfly
	collecting. Who's working on their minds?)

	And they are trying to ban it, no doubt in my mind. In a sinister
and covert
	sort of way: One way is very simple: By getting species after
	"listed", state by state. Long state hearings don't stop these
people; many
	of them don't work or have full time jobs anyway. Do they? 

	Of course, whether they CAN or not, that's another matter. There
seems to be
	plenty of opposition, doesn't there? 

	> -----Original Message-----
	> Sent:	Tuesday, February 05, 2002 8:30 AM
	> To:	leps-l at
	> Subject:	Glassberg's public statement on collecting.
	> There have been a number of postings accusing Dr Jeffrey Glassberg
	> of wanting to ban collecting. The actual evidence for this is


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