Glassberg's public statement on collecting.

Dale Clark nardoz at
Tue Feb 5 18:26:59 EST 2002

Well said, Chuck!

Dale Clark
Dallas County Lepidopterists' Society
Dallas, TX

----- Original Message -----
From: Chuck Vaughn <aa6g at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: Glassberg's public statement on collecting.

> NatureBLove,
> > Who Cares what his statement is~!  Why must this group (NABA LEPSOC) as
> > hole do nothing but say this about this person and that about this
> > this is right, no this is right!!  Why can't everyone accept that there
> > different ways of studying butterflies/moths and if it is legal then
> > with it.  But, please stop with the name calling and bashing of
> > I am a member of these organizations and list serv to learn more about
> > butterflies.  Give it up!!
> If it was as simple as that you'd be right. But in this country there is
> a growing tendency for people to turn things they don't like into causes
> and try to get laws passed to support their causes.
> If you don't agree with someone or don't like something then that's fine.
> Live your life according to your own beliefs but don't try to force them
> down someone else's throat with misguided legislation.
> In this particular case the collectors are seeing their rights being
> eroded not because all species of leps need protection, but because the
> anti-collecting group is trying to impose their beliefs on everyone. They
> accomplish their agenda not with an outright ban, but by nibbling around
> edges until legal collecting is so difficult that the collectors will
> essentially give up and a total ban can then be imposed with them barely
> remembering how it happened.
> Many of our freedoms have been lost in this way. So as distasteful,
> and repetitious as it may seem at times, it is necessary to stand up to
> defend you freedoms and when necessary, name those who would like to take
> them away.
> Chuck <aa6g at>
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