Endangered species act

Chris Conlan conlan at adnc.com
Fri Feb 8 22:24:32 EST 2002

In partial defense of what Mike stated I'd say he is pretty close.  I don't
however, agree with mislabeled specimens.  If I were ever to accidentally
kill an endangered moth, I would keep my mouth shut but the specimen would
be anonymously donated to a museum with proper data attached (minus the
collector of course).
While it is probably true we tend to form our opinions based on personal
experience you also need to consider the odds.  In other words, what are the
odds that that specimen could come back to haunt me and is it really worth
it?  In this case we have to consider USFWS since they will be doing the
haunting.  In my personal experience I have had to deal with F&W twice and
both officers were ignorant bullies.  The honest answer is that this has
really soured my opinion of them.  Do I think they are all bad?  Of course
not as I have talked with many other folks and heard both good and bad
reports.  However, taken as a whole, the good and bad experiences seem to be
running neck and neck in frequency.  Frankly, I don't like those odds and
nobody should.  All this does is scare people away so fewer contributions to
science are made.  And in the end, the very organisms F&W are supposed to be
protecting may eventually be lost because information vital to their
preservation was never made public.  The whole thing just makes me



----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Soukup" <mikayak3 at home.net>
Subject: Re: Endangered species act

 If you accidentally kill an endangered specie in the USA, keep your mouth
shut, don't tell anybody, and mis-label your specimen!!!
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