Glassberg's public statement on collecting.

Neil Jones Neil at
Sun Feb 10 16:40:17 EST 2002

On 7 Feb, in article <3C62686F.BF1417A3 at>
     mikayak3 at "Mike Soukup" wrote:

> --------------9189BD53B3E8E9B076778CB8
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> "From what I've been reading on this site there appears to be sound scientific
> evidence to justify not releasing butterflies not native to an area. "
>    Stan, the trouble with this logic is: "There is sound scientific evidence to
> justify not doing just about every human activity".    We know driving cars is
> bad - but we allow it - so people can make money and feed thier kids.  We know
> that building office buildings destroys habitat (and does more environmental
> damage  than any "release") - but we allow it and don't think twice about it.
> Why, it's always  been that way.  And, we need the jobs and the money.
>     So, we collectors, breeders, smokers, capitalists, gun owners, and whoever
> else the fascists seek to demonize in order to marginalize thier public opinions
> and gain control over are starting to get a little pissed at the hypocrites who
> drive, live in houses, go shopping at malls and work in offices - telling US we
> are causing an "environmental problem".  As the saying goes - look in your own
> back yard and fix the problems there first.  After you've done that - then mind
> your own business.
> My 6AM rant!

Right On Tovarich!. Come the revolution these fascist binocular carriers
will be the first against the Kremlin wall! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!! :-)

Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve


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