Endangered species act
Neil Jones
Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Sun Feb 10 17:28:55 EST 2002
On 8 Feb, in article <3C641AA9.E085E6C2 at home.net>
mikayak3 at home.net "Mike Soukup" wrote:
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> Power corrupts. Period.
> Now, I have no problem with the law preventing the killing of songbirds. But,
> this is just one example of what "good intentions" can lead to. Our government
> was set up to be a representative democracy. Unfortnately, our gutless
> politicians have pushed thier responsibilities onto un-elected and
> un-accountable "agencies" (BATF, USFW, DEA) - who do what they want with no
> repurcussions or reprisals.
Having read your postings I do not believe that your contention is rational.
Our perspectives are different. I do not usually believe in conspriacy
theories and prefer to determine things on a rational factual basis.
However your perspective appears different for example you appear to believe
it credible that the US Federal Government is surveiling its populus with
Black Helicopters.
> Like the folks who planted the Lynx hair out west.
> They weren't fired. They were reprimanded. In reality, they should be
> spending about 10 years each in jail to ponder thier lies.
This is another conspiracy theory. I would suggest you research some _facts_
first. There is no _evidence_ of deliberate fraud. The _evidence_ actually
suggests the contrary. The _evidence_ also shows that the story was planted
by organisations with a _financial_interest_ in destroying lynx habitat.
I would suggest you find a better source of evidence than a dodgy story in the
Washington Times. Good heavens man even _I_ know of its reputation and
I am on the other side of the world!
Neil Jones- Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk http://www.nwjones.demon.co.uk/
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve
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