my dear anne,

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Mon Feb 18 18:26:34 EST 2002

arthur jiggins wrote:

>   i'm awfully glad to know that you are home. i've
> spotted not only a hairstreak...beautiful blue, but a
> viceroy, small but fresh and energetic. love a
> __

That would be me.
Arthur is in Atlanta, for those of you who yearn for real bugs.
my garden is full of fresh zebra longwings, and an inchworm-type  spent 
the last week with me, munching on the bouquet my husband presented me 
with. He (Fred the bug) favors those aster thingies, and pooped up a 
storm, encouragingly.
Presently I followed suit, and came home. My doctor always checked him 
first; then me. A fly-fisherman, he told me, is basically an entomologist.


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