A budding Lepidopterist needs your help

Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX Norbert.Kondla at gems3.gov.bc.ca
Mon Feb 18 18:27:00 EST 2002

Easiest solution with limited time is dial up www.google.com
<http://www.google.com>   and type in the various names. This site also has
a neat feature that searches and calls up links to only sites with images
and even displays the images as the resultant of the search. Note: I do not
have shares in whatever company owns that search engine :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Kane, Sheri [mailto:SKane at stlcc.cc.mo.us]
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 3:16 PM
Subject: A budding Lepidopterist needs your help

My son is in a rush to finish his science fair project on butterflies and
moths, and we suddenly found out that all of the digital pictures we had
taken over the past 9 months, most of them are damaged files. can anyone
help with pics of the larval or pupal stage of the following:

Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) 
Polyphemus (Antheraea polyphemus) 
Monarch (Danaus plexippus) 
Orange margined Dogbane (Cycnia tenera) 
Banded Tiger Moth (Apantesis nais) 
Eastern Tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum) 
Black swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius) 
Clouded Sulfur (Colias philodice philodice) 
European Cabbage Butterfly (Artogeia rapae) 

We are also having trouble finding time frames for the duration of the pupal
stage for each of these. We have managed to find photos on line of the adult
stages that we were missing.

Any and all help and ifo is greatly appreciated. 

Sheri Kane 


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