What happens to a Mourning Cloak coming out on a warm February day?

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Fri Feb 22 09:53:18 EST 2002

Unclaimed Mysteries wrote:

> Can they make it through another cold snap before spring?

He'll just go back to sleep, perhaps in the same nook or corner he's 
been using.
He's probably had a nice meal; Mourning Cloaks feed on dripping tree 
sap, rotting fruit or animal dung. If he needed flowers, that would be 
difficult, but if any old tipple will do, a butterfly can get by in the 
He may also have served as a welcome meal for an early bird. That's ok, 
too, if you don't happen to be the butterfly.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

> Why do they hibernate as adults anyway?
> See:
> http://www.unclaimedmysteries.net/mourningcloak.htm
> Thanks.
> Corry
> --
> It Came From C. L. Smith's Unclaimed Mysteries.
> http://www.unclaimedmysteries.net


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