[SoWestLep] automobile traffic and leps!

Douglas Aguillard doug at basiclink.com
Sat Feb 23 01:08:44 EST 2002

I actually pulled over in two different locations last year to watch this. 
I stop outside of El Centro, CA and Gila Bend, AZ to watch the Orange 
Sulphurs getting wiped out on Interstate 8. If they weren't getting hitting 
square by the windshields and grills. It was the vortex caused by the 
speeding car, and the bugs were lifted up and over the cars and smashed to 
the ground behind the cars.

Douglas Aguillard
SoCal Field Guides
DDL Photography
National City, CA.
doug at basiclink.com

The Birds, Butterflies, & Dragonflies of San Diego County- 
Calbirds- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Calbirds listsev
SDBirds- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SDBirds listserv
SoWestLep- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SoWestLep listserv
CalOdes- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CalOdes listserv
Las Palmas Butterfly Garden- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LPBG listserv
SoCal Field Guides- http://sdbirds.basiclink.com/socal_field_guides.htm
DDL Photography- http://www.ddl-photography.com/

At 10:02 PM 2/22/2002 -0800, Andrew Warren wrote:

>"According to our estimates, the number of Lepidoptera killed along
>interstates in Illinois during this week could have been more than
>500,000, the number killed along highways could have been more than
>5,000,000, and the number of Lepidoptera killed along other roads could
>have been more then 15,000,000.  In total, the number of Lepidoptera
>killed by automobiles was estamated at more than 20,000,000 individuals in
>this seven-day period.
>Using similar methods, we estimated the potential number of monarch
>butterflies killed during week.  According to our estimates, in Illinois
>in one week during this study may have been more than 500,000."
>I am sure this will be a very frequently cited study for years to come!
>Andy Warren


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