Data in taxonomy

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Sun Feb 24 21:08:11 EST 2002

Some of the most data-rich early taxonomic studies were done by Les Short who
examined hybrid indices (morphologic only) of several species-pairs of birds
along gallery forests in the Great Plains.  He concluded that the data showed
that pairs such as oriole and flickers should be considered a single species.
The data were rich, but in the end the interpretation was still individual
opinion which became widely accepted (or at least seldom challenged, which I
realize is not the same thing).

Mike Gochfeld

James Kruse wrote:

> on 2/22/02 10:55 AM, Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX at
> Norbert.Kondla at wrote:
> > I must remind myself to do a post on
> > the topic of data, what it is, how we use and misuse it and whether lots of
> > hard data will in fact provide the certainty and stability that some people
> > value so highly.
> I think that would be good. More data is better than no data, and if someone
> has some, it should be published.
> > But there is no need to wait for me to stir the pot on that
> > topic and solicit the inevitable range of views; anyone can and should post
> > some provocative questions or views to help us collectively come to grips
> > with the all-mighty and supreme DATA, answer to all intellectual pursuits
> I don't think you intend to say that constructing an argument using data is
> less preferable? We try to use the data that is available. Sure, data can be
> misused, so can soup cans and tennis balls. Again, if you are sitting on
> some almighty data, lets publish (and we will be on one particular problem
> already).
> I hope you don't think I accused you or anyone else of being anti-data...
> Regards,
> James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
> Curator of Entomology
> University of Alaska Museum
> 907 Yukon Drive
> Fairbanks, AK, USA 99775-6960
> tel 907.474.5579
> fax 907.474.1987
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