B-flies of the World

Rick Mikula butrfly at epix.net
Wed Feb 27 14:23:35 EST 2002

To All
We are completing an educational book for Workman Press and are in
need of some images. They would be purchased for a one time use in
a teachers guide for Butterflies of The World. If you do, please 
contact Dietrich Gehring <duvel at capital.net> to make arrangements.

Need for images of all stages of the following including adults
Amathuxidia amythaon 
Colobura dirce 
Diaethia clymena 
Graphium sarpedon 
Morpho rhetenor 
Papilio palinurus
Paradis arcas 
Parides coon 
Zerne eurydice

Have Adult images for the following list but need images of egg
larvae and chyrsalis of, 

Acraea andromacha 
Agrias narcissus 
Anteos chlorinde 
Appias lyncida 
Brephidium exilis 
Caligo idomenus 
Cethosia biblis 
Colobura dirce  
Dryas iulia 
Eueides isabella 
Euploea mulciber 
Feniseca targuiius 
Gonepteryx rhamni 
Graphium agamemnon 
Heliconia melpomene 
Inachis io 
Kallima inachus 
Morpho laertes 
Morpho rhetenor 
Orinthoptera alexandrae 
Pachliopta aristolochiae 
Papilio Ulysses
Paradis arcas 
Parnassius Apollo 
Sasakia  charonda 
Terinos terpander 
Tithorea taracina 
Trodies brookiana 
Zerynthia rumina 



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