Neil Jones et al. - conservationists
rboutin at
Mon Jan 7 13:39:34 EST 2002
Ramble on Neil,
I've been reading your stand up routine for the butterflies
for a long long time now on another list too and your not even funny,in French or in
As for the Spanish cow....Milk it
Neil Jones wrote:
> On 5 Jan, in article <3C37E998.BAB60B1D at>
> rboutin at "RENE BOUTIN" wrote:
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> > Oh,but I've seen Neil fight to get someone else of another list and titilate
> > over
> > the fact when it happened.At that time Mr Cherubini was about the only person
> > who
> > would defend the commercial breaders(and so I am) approach on the Monarch
> Watch > list .
> > I say Mister Jones should stay on the list so we can all watch him good
> > and
> > steady.
> > on the other hand....
> > René Boutin
> > Chambly
> > Qc,Canada,North America
> Monsieur Boutin,
> Ecoutez tres attentivement, je dirai cela qu'une fois!
> Moi, je parle le francais comme une vache espangnole ou peut-etre
> "moi y'en a vouloir parler le francais tres bien". :-)
> (je regrete que mon ordinateur n'a pas la facilite de produire les accents.)
> Listen very carefully I shall say this only once!
> I speak french very badly or perhaps "me want to speak french very good" :-)
> I am sorry that my computer doesn't have the ability to produce accents.
> I shall continue in English only.
> Your assertion that I had anything to do with Paul Cherubini's expulsion
> from the Monarch Watch list is false. I wasn't reading the postings at the
> exact time and actually missed it. I didn't gloat. I have informed people on
> the other lists since it reflects on his reliability as a source of information.
> He got thrown off for silly conspiracy theories as this excerpt from Dr Chip
> Taylor's posting explains.
> "Over the last several years I have received many requests to remove
> Paul from the list. I have resisted on the basis that as long as the
> posting involved issues and interpretations that Paul had a right to
> express his views. He still has that right but he will have to find
> another forum. I can not allow him to use this list to defame the
> character of young scientists who are still in the process of
> learning their craft and developing as professionals. This is
> particularly offensive since these are Mexican scientists who are not
> on this list and are unable to defend themselves.
> The integrity and honesty of Lincoln Brower and Karen Oberhauser was
> also attacked in this posting. There is absolutely no basis for the
> claims made in Paul's posting. I have known Karen for 15 years and
> find her to be forthright and honest in all things. She does not bend
> the rules of science or spin the facts. I have known Lincoln even
> longer, since 1961 or so, and his record and standing in the
> scientific community is unimpeachable."
> --
> Neil Jones- Neil at
> "At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
> butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
> National Nature Reserve
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