Neil Jones et al. - conservationists
Neil Jones
Neil at
Sun Jan 6 15:22:12 EST 2002
On 5 Jan, in article <3C37E998.BAB60B1D at>
rboutin at "RENE BOUTIN" wrote:
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> Oh,but I've seen Neil fight to get someone else of another list and titilate
> over
> the fact when it happened.At that time Mr Cherubini was about the only person
> who
> would defend the commercial breaders(and so I am) approach on the Monarch
Watch > list .
> I say Mister Jones should stay on the list so we can all watch him good
> and
> steady.
> on the other hand....
> René Boutin
> Chambly
> Qc,Canada,North America
Monsieur Boutin,
Ecoutez tres attentivement, je dirai cela qu'une fois!
Moi, je parle le francais comme une vache espangnole ou peut-etre
"moi y'en a vouloir parler le francais tres bien". :-)
(je regrete que mon ordinateur n'a pas la facilite de produire les accents.)
Listen very carefully I shall say this only once!
I speak french very badly or perhaps "me want to speak french very good" :-)
I am sorry that my computer doesn't have the ability to produce accents.
I shall continue in English only.
Your assertion that I had anything to do with Paul Cherubini's expulsion
from the Monarch Watch list is false. I wasn't reading the postings at the
exact time and actually missed it. I didn't gloat. I have informed people on
the other lists since it reflects on his reliability as a source of information.
He got thrown off for silly conspiracy theories as this excerpt from Dr Chip
Taylor's posting explains.
"Over the last several years I have received many requests to remove
Paul from the list. I have resisted on the basis that as long as the
posting involved issues and interpretations that Paul had a right to
express his views. He still has that right but he will have to find
another forum. I can not allow him to use this list to defame the
character of young scientists who are still in the process of
learning their craft and developing as professionals. This is
particularly offensive since these are Mexican scientists who are not
on this list and are unable to defend themselves.
The integrity and honesty of Lincoln Brower and Karen Oberhauser was
also attacked in this posting. There is absolutely no basis for the
claims made in Paul's posting. I have known Karen for 15 years and
find her to be forthright and honest in all things. She does not bend
the rules of science or spin the facts. I have known Lincoln even
longer, since 1961 or so, and his record and standing in the
scientific community is unimpeachable."
Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve
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